Step into the world of "KING," where the glamorous facade of Manhattan's elite hides a secret realm of power, passion, and hidden identities. This addicting series unfolds a tale of passion, sacrifice, and the high-stakes game of love. Will Ms Black's quest for dominance and love jeopardize her place in the elite society she commands, or will the enigmatic black billionaire be able to unravel the layers of secrecy surrounding the undercover dominatrix and win her heart, even at the cost of his empire?

It's hard to be satisfied when you've had too many experiences. Queen Erotica takes you on an intimate experience of martial temptations. Being married is her playing field but it isn't enough. She takes you through the mind of a woman who knowingly cheats and experiences sexual pleasure she hasn't known before. Her new endeavors quickly become an addiction and creates a savage woman who transforms into a forbidden woman. This is only the beginning.

cheating at its best

Code Black is not just a lifestyle; it is a philosophy, a way of thinking and being that transcends the ordinary. It is about embracing the shadows and living life on your own terms. Join me as I reveal the secrets of my world, and together, we will unlock the mysteries of the Code Black lifestyle in my upcoming book “Code Black: Living a Private Life

code black: